Table of Content - Login admin and Password
To access the admin page type into your web browser’s address bar or click on the link below.
Default logins for
IP Address: | Username | Password |
---|---|---| | admin | admin | | admin | none | | none | none |
Login and Troubleshooting Routers with IP
- A private or local IP address is used to secure the connection between a router and other NAT devices and can only be used on a business or home network.
- There are three ranges of private IP addresses reserved for this purpose: -, - and -
- The IP in question, ie, belongs to the third set. You can use it to change router settings, resolve connectivity issues, increase security, and handle various settings. Login Steps
You will need to know your router’s IP to find the administrative console. Here’s a quick guide to finding the IP address, confirming it, and solving any technical issues:
Find the IP address of the router
You will find your device’s IP address on a sticker on the bottom or side of the router, or it may be printed on the box as If you’re not in any of these places, here’s how you can find the private address assigned to your device:
- Open the command prompt from the start menu and type ipconfig
- In the results, look for Local Connection
- In this section, IP can be seen as default gateway
Confirming my router’s IP address and connectivity
Here’s how you use 192.168.2544.254 to reach and access the admin panel:
- Make sure the operating system (Windows, macOS, Android, Linux, etc.) is on the same network as the router
- Open your access browser
- Where it says “search or enter a URL” - type -, or
- A login page will appear
- Enter username and password - in most cases your admin / admin. If that doesn’t work, do a quick Google search for default credentials by typing in the router make and model
To set up
- Once the configuration page is open, you can:
- Change router’s SSID and password
- Change admin login page username and password
- Change DNS - to some other private IP
- Facilitate or increase security
- Set parental restrictions, etc.
More about is a local, private, or gateway IP address. Your router’s IP address is used by computer devices connected to the Wi-Fi network, which also have IP addresses, to ensure that a data request, such as a visit to a website, gets where it needs to go. is not the only IP address of your router as it also has a public IP address. Your ISP and any website you visit will use your public IP address to get the requested information your computer device asks for for the place it needs to go. Your public IP address then passes the information to the private IP address, which then sends it to your computer screen.
How to Find Your IP Address
The number string is a common IP address, although it may not be the one defined for your router. If is not the IP address that works with your router, you can search for your router model online. This should provide the correct IP address. Alternatively, you can check your router base, which should have the details listed. There is one more way to check your IP address, although the method is different depending on the operating system you use.
For a Microsoft Windows computer:
- Select the network symbol in the lower right corner of the screen.
- After opening this menu, select the Wi-Fi network you are using to access the Internet.
- After clicking on the Wi-Fi network, you will see a list of information related to the network. One of these pieces of information will be IPv4, which is your IP address and is similar to
For a computer running on MAC OS X
- Click on the Apple menu, which you will find in the upper left corner of the screen.
- With that menu open, select System Preferences.
- You will have a selection of Wi-Fi networks and you will be asked to select the one you will use to access the Internet.
- Next to the word router you will find its IP address.
What is an IP address like
As mentioned earlier, is your router’s private IP address. It’s your router’s IP address that computer devices on your network use to connect to it. Your router is not the only one that uses Router manufacturers use a set of the same IP addresses on their routers. Your router’s IP address does not have to be unique, as the only person using the IP address is you, the owner of the network.
As mentioned above, your router is not the only device that has an IP address. Every computer device on the network also has one. Typically this is some derivation of, with the last number changing depending on how many devices you have connected to the network. Even non-computer devices, such as printers or storage devices, have an IP address to help them connect to the router.
Your public IP address
An example of a private IP address is, which you use to access the router’s administration page. It is also used by computer devices on the network as a point to send data requests. However, as mentioned above, a private IP address is not the only IP address your router has.
Your Internet service provider also assigns a public IP address to the router. Unlike your private IP, you don’t have much control over your public IP address. The ISP uses the public IP address to forward information requested when you visit a website. This means that every website you visit can see your public IP address. Your router’s public IP collects the requested information and delivers it to the private IP, which distributes it to the computer on the network that made the request.
That way, people outside your network can see your public IP address, but that’s not the only difference. Your ISP can change your public IP address as needed. Two devices do not have the same two public IP addresses and there are not enough IP addresses for all computer devices that use the Internet. An ISP has a selection of public IP addresses for its customers to use, so whenever a router disconnects from the Internet, the public IP address is reassigned.
Router That using as default IP
Router Brand |
Sagemcom F@ST 1704 (Windstream)
Actiontec F2250
Sagemcom SE567 (Frontier)
Siemens SE587 WLAN dsl (S30853-S1083-L161)